My initial idea was to involve Dorothy's tapping ruby slippers in my animated work. The shoes would tap when your mouse was dragged over them, very "there's no place like home" style. Joke's on me though, because this is a very complicated idea for someone who barely knows how to create a gradient in photoshop.
Instead I chose to use the iconic Emerald City in my google doodle and celebrate a made up holiday- National Wizard of Oz Day, (creative, I know). My big idea was to create each letter within the word Google in a way which made the word look like a unified Emerald City. Unfortunately, when I drew this out I came across a few issues and decided to make my life easier by simplifying the composition.
I played around with a few possibilities, as seen in the attached files, but ended up liking the final version best. With this form I was able to make the Emerald City a dominant element while also being able to add on to the composition and make it more personal. In this light, I also wanted to give the piece a personal 'style' and play around with photoshop elements once I started working on the computer.
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